Best SEO Company in Lagos Nigeria
As the best SEO Company in Lagos Nigeria.
Do you know your website can generate a lot of leads, sales and revenue, but if it is not visible online (Search Engine), it will struggle to reach its potential! That is why Web365 Nigeria (We are among the best SEO agencies and company in Nigeria) delivers top-notch SEO solutions based on goals that matter to your business the most. We take time to understand your business and create a strategy to accomplish your business goals. With our professional SEO strategy as the Top SEO Company In Lagos Nigeria, Web365 Nigeria can help you increase your SEO marketing returns.
Here's How We Do SEO For You

Site Auditing
As the Best SEO Company in Lagos Nigeria, We will audit your website to find out what needs to be done to improve its search engine ranking.

Keyword Research
We will generate the necessary keywords your potential clients and customers are using to search for your business on Search Engines as the best SEO Company in Nigeria

Search Engine Ranking
As the best SEO Company in Lagos, Nigeria, we will put all strategies in place to help rank your website on the first page of Google and other search engines within 90- 120 days!!

Search Engine Rank Monitoring
We won’t be reluctant after ranking your websites on Google Search . We will keep an eye on your rankings to ensure that your competitors don’t outrank and Outshine your business! Thats why we are the best SEO Company in Nigeria
As the Top and Best SEO Company in Lagos Nigeria, we’ve taken businesses from little or no visibility on search engines to as much as 20-times traffic increase. Landmark of this kind of amazing growth requires highly advanced SEO techniques that keep up with Google’s algorithm, ever-improving guidelines and best practices.

Web365 Nigeria is also the Top SEO Company in Nigeria
Web365 Nigeria is the best SEO company in Lagos, Nigeria, Nigeria. We pride ourselves in 5 years+ experience in ranking websites on Google and other search engines using Professional and safe search engine optimization practices. Don’t get lost in search, talk to us now.
We have not only taken the position of the Best SEO agency In Nigeria, we have also assisted people from all over the World with their Search Engine Rankings.

We help you Get higher ranks in search engines?
Getting higher ranks in search engines(Google, Yahoo,Bing, AOL) can be quite complicated and time-consuming. Time is money, why don’t you allow us to provide you with quality search engine traffic for leads generation while you focus on other areas of your business.
Frequently Asked SEO Questions
What is SEO?
SEO means search engine optimization. It is an aspect of digital marketing or internet marketing ( online marketing ) that refers to all that is done to a website to make sure it comes up on Google and other search engines when a search related to it is made. It basically an aspect of search marketing that involves increasing the online presence or visibility of the website or blog of your company
How Can SEO Benefit My Business?
Most people go to search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing to make researches on products or services before buying. If you want your targeted audience to come to you as a business owner rather than you looking for them, then you need to do a search engine marketing campaign. As a digital marketing agency, we are the best to contact for this. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) can be divided into two; SEO and PPC (pay per click). SEO will make your website more visible on search engines thereby resulting in more traffic (website visitors), sales, and ROI (Return On Investment). Of what importance is a website that cannot attract traffic?
How Long Does It Take To See SEO Results?
Unlike social media marketing, email marketing and other forms of digital marketing that you can see results in days, It takes a minimum of three months for your website to be on the first page of Google for your chosen keywords. As an SEO agency in Nigeria with several years of experience, we have a proven reputation of assisting our clients achieve web traffic and ranking in one month with our results driven SEO campaign strategies and tactics. Beware of SEO agencies promising to get you top SEO ranking in days, they will end up getting your website penalized (banned) by Google. A search engine penalty can have a lifetime negative effect on your website and a bad online reputation.
Do Your Offer Content Building Services?
Yes we do. Contents complements SEO. So we provide content optimization and building services as well
How Do I Know The Keyword To Use?
Upon choosing from any of our SEO packages, one of our staff will look through your website and recommend the best set of keywords we should rank your site for. We have a tool that tells us how often a particular word is being searched for on Google. We wouldn’t recommend only keywords that will bring in more traffic (visitors) to your website, we will also recommend buyer intents keywords that will help increase your sales and profits.
Can I Cancel Contract After Payment?
Our SEO service is for a minimum of 5(five) months and you can’t cancel it within that period. However, a refund will be made to you if your website is not on the first page of Google for any of the agreed keywords within three months.
How Do I Pay?
To pay for our SEO service, choose any of the packages here, fill in the order form and our invoice will be sent to you as soon possible.
How Can I Track SEO Growth?
You can track the progress of our search engine optimization service on your business by looking at the position of your site on the keywords we agree to rank you for. More also, from your website analytics, you will notice an overall increase in traffic to your business website from time to time.